I don't know about you, but I haven't been in the festive mood this year. We're dealing with Covid outbreaks, a crazy workforce, delays on everything and rising costs! It's just a lot. I've talked to a lot of women recently and they agree that we just aren't feeling it this year.
But us with Children.... Ha! People keep asking me: Have you finished your Christmas shopping? My reply: I haven't started! They quickly refer to their calendars to see just how short I am on time. (Thanks for the reminder people)
Then I drop the bomb... I haven't even put up my tree yet. ALL of them, in different settings and at different times, JUDGE ME! LOL! They add in the "and you've got kids?!".
If this pandemic hasn't taught me anything, I've learned that there is no "normal", how and when you do it is perfect and to give myself grace on a consistent basis.
So what I fed my children fast food more than one day this week.
So what my house isn't as organized as it used to be.
So what the laundry piles to the ceiling.
So what it's taking me longer to lose weight.
So what I feed my children ice cream or smoothies for dinner sometimes.
Life will go on. Time will go on. People will go on. So do what YOU need to do to make sure YOU are good. Give yourself some grace. Lower your standards. Enjoy your family. It's rough enough out there. It doesn't make sense to make it rough in here!

I love it. You are the narrator to your story no one else. As Brene Brown stated, If someone isn't willing to step in the ring with you, how dare they try and judge you for what you do or who you are. My life and I have to do what I can and make my moment my moment however that looks. Happy Holidays enjoy it your way.